trumpet   The Trumpet


  • Independent units
  • Easy to build
  • Easy to maintain
  • Automatic data transfer to the cloud
  • Long term battery life

Main components

ESP32 microcontroller
  • ESP32 microcontroller (the brain)
  • Blues wireless card (cellular connectivity)
  • Printed Circuit Board
  • Adjustable voltage source for sensor powering
  • Battery


EMS Brno Dendrometer
  • Air Temperature & Humidity
  • Band dendrometer
  • Available sensor comunication protocols:
    • 4 analog ports
    • I\(^2\)C
    • Serial
    • SDI-12


  • Low power, basic module can last up to 10 years1 on a non rechargable battery and forever with a rechargable battery and a solar pannel.
  • Versatile sensors
  • Low cost
  • Flexible cloud managment and data routing
  • Two-way comunication: Trumpet Cloud
  • Works worldwide, 10-year cell service included2


  1. depends on sensor power needs and sampling rate↩︎

  2. provided by Blues Wireless↩︎